I’m a regular working guy in his mid- twenties trying to figure out what his future holds. I have female friends,sisters, a loving girlfriend and a healthy family and working environment. But nonetheless, I despite all the education and morals embedded in me, have become a potential rapist in today’s society.

But how does somebody who comes from a socially aware family background turn into something so monstrous, something so feared, something so hated? I’ve spent quite Some time thinking over it and realised that the answer to this plague for a society is the society itself. What has become of our society today is nothing less than the brutal rape of shame and respect. No matter what religion I come from, every holy book taught me to respect a women in any given situation on any given day. But who ever bothered to hand me a holy book? The schools today concentrate their education merely on financial success. They tell us To sharpen Our minds, to prepare ourselves for an unforgiving market. We’re told that The world is ruthless and is run by money. So We simply follow suite and we live for earning.We earn money because we have been taught that is the most important asset in life. We do hear our parents occasionally telling us about the do’s and don’ts of life but that fades away faster than the memories of the wasteful movies we watch everyday. Movies that show us exactly what is never meant to be. Movies that exploit women to the very possible core of their souls only because sex sells. Wearing short clothes for a female is entirely her own choice but then showing men drooling over her on screen is entirely different. The camera close ups try to go deep into the revealing areas and you’re trying to show us what exactly? That this is where men should peak? Don’t you realise that this only generates a sense of future perspective into every person who’s watching the movie?

Clearly all this is not needed. But the society will not feel ashamed of highlighting every inch of a women’s body as long as bigbucks rain in. “Girls like bad boys” is what a lot of products use as a tag line. I would love to slap this question in their faces with their daughters listening. Every human being deserves respect. But showing violence against women , alcohol consumption, use of abusive language and eve teasing on screen, making the hero look cool while he does it and a female protagonist expose herself to get her job done isn’t exactly helping the situation.

I guess the information has now already been embedded in the minds of a million people by the so called silver screens(of a rotten hypothetical reality,if I may say)… So its only apt to accept the truth. I have become a potential rapist. I know what to do if I see a women in need, a drunk, a women in exposing outfit or if I see a women at all. Everytime I see a passing by female look at me, I can smell their sense of insecurity. Everytime I’m out with female companions, that’s exactly how I see other men around us . Thanks to you ‘oh phony,good for nothing selfish society’.

I’ll be watching the next erotica that you release though. Because I’m used to it. We All Are. But can something be done about It? I think I know the answer . We All Do.

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